Wednesday, June 22, 2005

Left and right...

Well here I am, sitting in my cubicle listening to a little D'Angelo f. Method Man and Redman, hence the question of the day is this: where is D'Angelo? This guy can sing, he has crazy trick beats and backs, he's got so much feel that he can sing completely out of tempo and make it sound cool as hell...but instead of gracing us with another voodoo-flavored album (mmm, take a moment and savor THAT particular flavor…so…voodoo-ey…) he is missing in action. Reward Offered: Anyone with information that leads directly to the apprehension or conviction of one Angelo, D’ will qualify for a reward of no less then 10 million happiness points from Rob.*

I suffered through a two-hour meeting today on Internal Trade Policy that was among the most brain-deadening exercises I have undergone during my short career in the public sector. I can honestly say that I am dumber from the experience. Seriously. I tried reading my notes from the meeting and discovered that about halfway through, my ability to write English letters deteriorated into a cuneiform-like scrawl. And it took me three tries to spell "deteriorated".

But to every cloud there is a silver lining, and this was no exception. The closure of the meeting was followed by a delicious catered lunch from Sunterra markets, complete with fresh fruit and deserts. It’s as if the Internal Trade people were saying, “My God, I’m sorry we made you sit through that horribly boring meeting, please accept our apologies along with these tasty sandwiches.” Who do they think they are, trying to appease me with food?!

But the sandwiches were damn good…
*—Some restrictions may apply


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