Tuesday, June 28, 2005

In which Rob starts to think and talk like his Mom...


I just spent half an hour writing an entry that I planned on posting that somehow turned into an unfocused, rambling diatribe that criticized Westerners for our lust for material wealth, and our willingness to sacrifice our free time and energy to attain it. I don’t know how it happened. One minute I was complaining about being stuck in a cubicle, and the next thing I know, half an hour has gone by and I’m staring at what is becoming increasingly like a mom-type of argument. Worst fears confirmed: I am morphing into my mother. Needless to say, I deleted the whole thing, best not to leave any evidence.


I now find myself without a particular topic for this day’s post, other then I am motivated by a need to eat some time up, and this seems a reasonable way to do it. On the Ipod is a little Radiohead, the Shins, and hopefully if the shuffle function can read my mind and play the song I want, a little Martina Sobara. Not quite my usual serving of tasty Hip Hop and RnB, but I’m feeling chilled. For those who haven’t heard it, “Motion Picture Soundtrack” by Radiohead is officially the saddest song in the entire world. For some reason, I think there’s an animated artsy-type short film that accompanies this song, although I could be getting it confused with some of the animations for Kid Koala. Must remember to check that out…

So here’s some news—I leave for 10 or 11 days in Newfoundland on Friday, for a world choral symposium called Festival 500. Very exciting, and good timing too—another week in this place and who knows what might happen! In any event, this little holiday should be good; I’m going to go on a whale-watching boat ride, eat some fresh lobster, visit some pubs of ill-repute on George street, and of course, do a whole lot of singing. Now if I can just last through the rest of the week…


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