Wednesday, June 29, 2005


3:30 PM, you know what that means…time to take a break from…well…let’s be honest…taking a break…anyways, time for an update! And appropriately, “Mr. Blue Sky” by Electric Light Orchestra comes on the ol’ faithful Ipod. (Side note—if you haven’t realized it yet, I often make mention of my Ipod and whatever music I’m listening to. No, I’m not paid to mention their trademarked name. No, I don’t really like Ipods, I think they are a rip-off and are not as good or as cost effective as some of the other players out there. However, I got one as a gift last Christmas, and despite my moaning, I make use of it almost every day. So consider yourself warned. Ipod and music keep me alive here in this box.)

Where was I….oh yeah, ELO! What a fabulous band name…seriously, we are getting way too formulaic these days with band names…there seems to be an unwritten rule that if you are artsy, your band name must start with a “the”. For example:
The Bravery
The Shins
The Music
The Used
The Calling
Etc etc. So in the interests of helping out those needy musicians who want a cool, alternative choice for their group, I have compiled a list of the top 10 bands names I could think of (Some are real, some are made up…obviously)

10. Shout Out Out Out—when in doubt, toss in a little repetition. Note-when spoken, gradually increase volume of voice to a full-throated fortissimo by the last “Out” for best effect, i.e. shout out Out OUT!!

9. Big Yum and the Sour Horror—this needs no explanation as to why it makes the top ten. What a great name

8. Mos Def—possibly one of the greatest MC names of all time. Most Definition? Most Definitely? Does it matter?

7. Electric Light Orchestra—conjures up vivid images of the 70’s, don’t it?

6. John Legend—the man is named Legend! Come on!! That ain’t natural! Wait…is that his real last name? Probably not…damn…this doesn’t deserve to be in the top ten…

5. Thee Michelle Gun Elephantthought I made this up, didn’t you? Aha! A real live Japanese punk band, awarded the most nonsensical band name ever…but it kinda has a nice ring…check em out!

4. Bloodfountain/Boneface—both these names were considered for my current rock band’s metal-playing alter ego. Unsurprisingly, both were rejected

3. Alan Parsons Project—simple, direct, yet surprisingly mysterious. Who is this Alan Parsons? Is he a robot? What is his project? And where is the bag of Miss Vicki’s I lost last week? Some many questions, so few answers….

2. Godspeed thee, Black Emperor! —what a sweet name, and a pretty decent band as well!

and last but not least, the top band name of all time…

1. Vowel Movement—BWAHAHAHA!! Get it?! Get it?! Like Bowel, only it’s Vowel?! Oh man…*wipes tears from eyes*…that’s great…


Blogger Rob said...

honourable mention goes to Go-kart Mozart and the Gay...both real bands!

4:19 PM  
Blogger Dave Chung said...

you forgot Ear-otica and Portland.

7:01 PM  

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