Saturday, July 01, 2006

Almost time...

Hey guys--i am back from what was supposed to be 3 or 4 days in the village in Eastern Thailand, and which turned into a 10 day experience which I will never forget. I'll try to share some of it with you in the next post, when I have some time, this is just a quick hello to let you all know what's up with me. I leave this afternoon for one more stay at the beach in Krabi on the Andaman cost, then it's back to BKK on the night of the 5th, get packed up and deal with appartment and such, and then heading home on the morning of the 8th. Man, it's all coming to a close...I'm definately tripping out a little bit. However I'm looking forward to seeing everyone when I return, and catching up with what has been going on in everyone's lives. I'll prob do another update from Krabi, so yeah, I hope everyone is still doing well, and it won't be too much longer till I'm back in Edmonton. Oh BTW I am (hopefully) recovered from Typhoid and am feeling pretty healthy most of the time, so that's good news...let's just hope there is no relapse...cause then I'd probably be infectious again...and right about the time I'd be seeing lots of you guys...hmmm....but yeah, take care!


Blogger dingobear said...

Enjoy your last few days in Southeast Asia Rob, and look forward to seeing you home in Edmonton soon. Have a good trip back.

10:13 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

very jealous you got to spend so long out there....i told you it was awesome!

7:42 AM  

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