Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Laos Part II

Ta Da! Go go gadget video!

Well friends, I have returned from Laos, and am in the midst of planning my next excursion, which will take me to Hanoi in Vietnam. Once I arrive, I plan on renting a motorcycle and travelling up through the mountains to see some of the country--I know what you're thinking: 'Man, that sounds awesome, I'm totally jealous!' Or perhaps it's more like 'Um, Rob, do you remember that time you were riding your motorcycle back home, and were creamed by an 80 year old man in a sports car? And got messed up proper? Wasn't that, like, last September?' To which i reply: 'Aha! But how many 80 year olds will you see driving around in sports cars on dirt roads through Northern Vietnam?' Clearly, Rob wins.

Anyways, this is not really a Vietnam post, but rather a follow up to Part I of my Laos trip. I thought about including some excerpts from my journal to try and convey the absolute majesty of this country, but decided it would be nearly impossible to make you understand how truly wonderful Laos is. And since a picture is worth a thousand words...I've posted some new PICS to save myself some typing ;) Now, these photos don't really do justice to the beauty that seems to exist everywhere in Laos, but at least they'll give you and idea. I hope everyone is well, wouldn't say no to a little more chatter on the comments or email, if only to make my page look like lots of people read it. Good idea? I thought so ;) PS Go oilers. Our first Stanley Cup finals in ages, perfectly timed to correspond with my prolonged absence from the country. Ah well, you can't win 'em all...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Rob-- the photos are amazing, and the video also very novel:) I especially liked the first picture from the "lunch on the river" bunch where you can see just a pair of sandals down in the corner.

The most important news in Van is that Kevin and I have upgraded to a propane hibatchi (versus the old charcol one). We now have the power to bbq at will! It's like a whole new world of dinner time options! Yes, things are not terribly exciting around here...

Take care, and Skype me before you head out again!

1:45 PM  
Blogger dingobear said...

Hey there Rob, spectacular photos and video. Seems like you enjoyed Laos; have a great time in Vietnam. When are you coming back to Canada?

6:30 PM  

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