Sunday, September 10, 2006

It Begins Anew...

Greetings at long last my loyal readers--it is I, Rob, back from the ashes of the old CubicallyInclined to bring you a new and harrowing narrative, a story of adversity and courage, of conflict and triumph, of perseverance and, hopefully, of the power of mind over body. Tremble in awe as I unleash the beginnings of...the Master Cleanse.

While working through some health-related goal setting a little while ago, it struck me that I haven't led the most pure of lifestyles, especially in the past year or so. Far too little physical activity, a diet that at best catered to my tastes rather then my physiological needs, excessive alcohol consumption, a work environment that was terrible for my allergies (breathing in wood dust and concrete particles will do that to anyone)--the truth of the matter is that my body is probably filled to the brim with all sorts of unhealthy junk and toxins. In response to this realization, I decided to embark on the Master Cleanse diet to purify my system and get my body back to homeostasis.

The Master Cleanse basically entails restricting your diet to a mixture of fresh squeezed lemon juice mixed with maple sugar for caloric content, as well as cayenne paper to break up toxins and aid your body in getting rid of them. That's it. No food at all. No liquids other then water and the mix. For 10. Days. At this point, if you're not laughing at the thought of Rob giving up eating for even a day, let alone ten, you don't know me well enough. Food is a central part of my life, one of my simplest and most readily available pleasures, and on top of that, I have a crazy metabolism so I eat constantly. So why this insane cleansing diet? I'm not actually sure--perhaps I was looking for a challange, maybe the idea of a pure body appealed to me, or more then likely it was just another stupid idea that I thought it would be funny to talk myself into. At this point, I would like to shift some blame to brother Dave for encouraging me by agreeing to undergo the cleanse at the same time.


This is really just a short entry, the night before the cleanse starts--tomorrow I will begin the actual process, and will keep a daily journal of how i'm feeling and my thoughts on the process. Expect it to be graphic. And whiney. And hopefully funny. But most of all, wish me luck as I embark on what could prove to be one of the most challanging tasks I've ever set myself.


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