Friday, December 01, 2006

coruscate ya'll

Whats up, homeys.

Back once again now that I have finally lost all my regular readers (because people definately read my blog EVER). I'm comfortable sharing some more thoughts, secure in the knowledge that the only people to read this blog will be those who stumble across it while Googling "incline", "urban", "style" or "cubicle" which pretty much means i will have indoor rock-climbers, tryhard fashionistas andpeople searching for Dilbert cartoons.

Oh, my mom might read it too ;)

Anyways, what is happening with me...lots, and little, as usual. Since my last update during the ghastly Master Cleanse (damn you Stanley Burroughs) i have:
a) Started working hard at school...well, at least in relative terms...
b) Worked with a couple of human rights conferences trying to encourage kids to pursue positive self-expression through hip hop in the interests of squashing stereotypes
c)most importantly, somehow find myself dating an incredible girl from California

There she is...beautiful, huh? Don't ask how I ended up with her, it's a mystery to me too. If you're lucky, you might get to meet her cause...she's coming up to Edmonton over winter break!! Well, the dudes looking for Dilbert cartoons might not get to...but for you others, its possible ;)

So thats a major development...hmm, what else...I camped outside Bestbuy to get a PS3 in the hopes of flipping it on ebay to make millions--funny, lots of other people had the same idea. To put it in economic terms, a dramatic positive supply shock (the market was flooded) combined with technological externalities (ebay fucked us over by listing our products like 5 hours later then we wanted) and resulted in a drastic reduction in the marginal utility gained from my venture (i only made 450 bucks after waiting out in the cold for like 15 hours). Anyways, chalk it up to experience...

Other then that, I'm studying, reading, writing, skyping, excercising and counting days till the end of december. So thats the brief...i'll be back with something interesting or funny now that the update is out of the way. Err, what i mean to say is i'll be back with an attempt to be iteresting or funny. Ok, lets leave it at i'll be back...
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