Saturday, September 16, 2006

Day 5

Morning Weight: 154 lbs
Evening Weight: 155 lbs

Man, this was definately a tough day--went to a doctor's appointment cause my throat was sore and I was worried about strep, and of course I had to tell my doc i'm doing this cleanse--basically she laughed in my face and said "if i were you i'd stop doing it right now, and don't do it again." So obviously not a strong supporter. Plus I haven't really noticed any health benefits or anything, and Dave was agreeing with me...we very nearly broke down and went to make some soup. Somehow we held off though, and now the plan is to make it till Monday as our last day--note, this will be day 8, but we can't go any longer because Ryan (one of our best friends) is leaving town this weekend and so has his going away thing--and priorities definately dictate supporting our brother. So yeah, our goal is 8 days, or until monday...hope we can stick to it...lots of doubts today, so we'll see how tomorrow goes. Also, i'm not really losing any weight, which makes me feel like i'm not burning any fat or toxins. Bleh. This whole idea was stupid perhaps. Ah well, pride drives me on...


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