Monday, September 18, 2006

Day 8

Morning Weight: 152 lbs
Evening Weight: 150 lbs

Well obviously I skipped a couple of days, I blame it on late night phone calls *ahem* that left me no time to journal. Ah well. The important thing is...I'm almost done!! This is the last day of the cleanse, tomorrow I get to start on Orange juice and then in the afternoon, soup broth!! Words cannot begin to describe the excitement that's building inside me. I probably won't sleep tonight. It's that serious. My next two weeks will consist of touring the city with David to partake in all the most wonderful delicacies that Edmonton has to offer.

Anyways, the truth is I could probably go the extra two days if time allowed--obviously being ready for Ryan's going away thing is more of a priority, but food cravings have significantly diminished. Energy level is still pretty good, although i definately had a headache and got dizzy mid afternoon, but I think it was cause I hadn't drank any mix in a couple hours. Oh well. The bottom line is, barring any unforseen accidents, I've survived--guess that's all for now, I will do a real introspective entry pondering the worth and results of the cleanse in the next couple of days--in the mean time, happy eating everyone!


Blogger Danskee said...

so do you feel cleansed? my bday coming up soon boy, you better not be doing this still and partake in partying with me

10:14 PM  
Blogger T said...

lose 30 more pounds.

1:14 AM  

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