Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Workers of the world...

Hey everyone! As promised, I decided it was time to give you an update on my work situation. Unfortunately, if you are not my Mom or Dad—well, maybe just my Mom—this will doubtless be a somewhat boring entry. Fortunately, the only person other then my parents who will read this account is a dude in Maine who stumbled across my blog while Googling the movie “Cube”. Sorry man, you’ll just have to endure.

I’m now into my second week of work for a Management and HR consulting firm in San Francisco called Towers Perrin. I’m working in the Executive Compensation and Rewards group, which is pretty much exactly what it sounds like—we provide clients with objective third party analyses of how competitive and appropriate their rewards structure is. It’s been a big change, going from the student life in Edmonton to Corporate America in San Francisco, but things are going really well. My co-workers have been very welcoming and very helpful as I gradually ramp up to the busy schedule that consulting invariably seems to demand. Yes, I’m back in a cubicle once more, but now it’s on the 29th floor of an office tower in the heart of the Financial District in downtown SF. So I guess that means I’ve “moved up” in the world ;) My set of windows looks out over the bay to the south-east—the view is definitely something worth going to work for. When it’s foggy, as it has been most mornings, the tops of the sky scrapers disappear into the clouds above, which is both beautiful and a little eerie at the same time. Down towards the marina, you can watch sailboats as they make their way back and forth across the water.

I won’t go into much detail about the work itself—I’m learning lots, beginning to participate in some client files, and will be heading to Atlanta for some training in August. I’ve been trying to adjust to the tired feeling that hits when I get home, usually between 530 and 600—it’s tough to ignore the voice that begs you just to veg and watch some screen and then fall asleep early every night, but I’m trying to be energized and do other things in the evening. Speaking of which, Monday night I went to a free show at the Mezzanine featuring Chromeo and Flostradamus. It was pretty much one big clap-fest accompanied by some crazy dancing—and all this on a Monday night. Have I mentioned how much I love this city?

Anyways, I guess that’s all for now…I had better return to my current dilemma: whether to re-read some previous Harry Potters to pick up momentum, or to just go out and get the final volume. Ahh, decisions, decisions…



Anonymous Anonymous said...


I've enjoyed reading your latest posts about your life in the Mission district of SF. The UCSF Mission Bay campus is supposed to be really fantastic, is it anywhere close to where you are? After reading your posts, I find myself wanting to visit, to which my eyes glance over to Air Canada's website, and a round trip from Toronto would cost in total about $500 - typical for a transcontinental flight, hey? On the other hand, driving out to Ottawa would be in the range of $60 round trip, and fewer emissions, aye.

How long do you think you will be out in SF?


2:10 PM  
Blogger dingobear said...

Rob, what a boring post. Towers Perrin? I mean, really. Haha, I kid, I kid. Sounds like you're enjoying SF. Try not to work too hard and be sure to take the surfboard out to enjoy some sunset breaks at Ocean Beach.

11:13 PM  
Blogger Rebecca said...

I hope that you took the plunge and made the final leap into HP7. You won't be sorry you did.

(BTW-Love your blog title.)

8:43 PM  

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