Tuesday, July 26, 2005

aaaand we're back

Ho hum…I suppose I’ve been somewhat lax in the update department—I blame it on a combination of real work needing to be done, lack of interesting things to write about, and of course a general lethargy that sets in after too many hours in front of the computer screen. Honestly, I have the best intentions to update in the morning, but by three o’clock my creative juices have been completely dried up and replaced by a smothering ennui.

But enough excuses—I am back, and with a vengeance! First, I have to ensure that you all know about the incredible hip hop show I’m throwing this Sunday July 31st at the Winspear Center. It’s called Hip Hop for Hope, and it’s raising money for charities and showing off Edmonton’s awesome local talent. If you’re not there, I will draw one of three conclusions:

1. You are not really a friend of mine; you’re an alien masquerading in a human suit! Well don’t think for one minute that I will let you get away with it, you blood-sucking alien scum. I’ll go Anakin on your ass, and kill your children AND your jedi trainees. So there. Sith for life.
2. You are trying to make me cry. Why are you trying to make me cry? Don’t you know that if I don’t see your face in the crowd, I’ll break down on stage and weep like a little girl? Do you want that to happen? Do you?
3. You were attacked by ninjas and accordingly couldn’t make it to my show. Ok, so this one will get you off the hook, but you better have proof dammit! I want to see some kunai wounds, and a scratched forehead protector, or I ain’t buying it!

Ok but seriously you gotta be there. It’s going to be awesome, and it’s for two great charities. Anyways, what else has happened that’s new and exciting…hmmm…I haven’t really decided how personal this blog is going to get, so accordingly I’m not sure my level of comfort in sharing specific details about either good or bad personal things that happen to me. For now, let’s just say it’s been an interesting couple of weeks, but all seems to be working out for the best right now. I have faith that it will continue to do so. I promise I will do a little more updating soon, so hang in there, it will be worth the wait. Until then…maybe I’ll leave you with these two brief description of myself that friends composed. I found ‘em funny.

“This is rob. He's a bastard. But a devilishly handsome one. He rocked the trucker cap before it was in (or so he says). Of all my friends, I'd have to say Rob is the most Irish. He's quite the drinker, I'll give him that. But what Irishman isn't? In conclusion, on a friends scale from 1-10, I'd give Rob a solid A.”
“An interesting fellow. We go way back to the days of band geekdom. His Irishness enables him to consume immense amounts of the toxin Alcohol. Special skills include barefisticuffs and the dreaded serenade. Dangerous, if seen, approach at your own risk.”


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