Thursday, September 15, 2005

Still Alive, against all odds...

Well, if you know me, then you've probably heard by now, i was in a fairly serious motorcycle accident on friday sept 9th. I WILL be giving an update soon, complete with grisly photos, but for now, know that i'm ok, cast on right leg and arm, only broken bone is my right wrist, the legs were pretty cut up and I went through some ligaments on the right one (hence the cast) but all sewn up now. No permanent damage (we hope hahaha) and oh yeah, it was the other dude's fault (ran a stopsign). So there you have it. More soon.

Wednesday, September 07, 2005

School is in...or, how I am distracted already

Wow, first day of school. I'm sitting in my second class, and surprises abound, I decided it was a good time for a quick update. Incredibly, both classes so far have been pretty cool! My professors seem interesting, and relatively kind (which can be important, believe me ;). However, because I have four classes today, we can only hope that I am still as enthusiastic by the end of the day. On the plus side, no classes tomorrow. Oh, and by-the-by, check out EELEMENTS in quad for the rest of the week...over a hundred new sign-ups this year!!

Thursday, September 01, 2005


Aha. A quiz I took from my friend Kaitlyn's blog. Revel in my awe inspiring perspicuity.

The Stupid Quiz said I am "Totally Smart!" How stupid are you? Click here to find out!
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