Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Back in Black

Hello everyone—yes, it’s been quite a while since I have updated this thing. Rest assured that it has nothing to do with any wishes on my part to limit our communication. Nor can I blame the lack of updates on laziness (or at least not ENTIRELY on that). Embarrassingly enough, I haven’t been updating recently because…well, nothing much has happened. I know what you’re thinking, “Rob you are away in Thailand on exchange, how can their be nothing to write about? Either you’re not taking full advantage of this trip, or you are lying…” But seriously guys, I have just been trucking away here in the big BKK. Sometimes life on your own means going to school, going to the gym, doing a little cooking and cleaning and occasionally even a little bit of laundry. I’m sure there is some sort of profound lesson to be found in that period of seeming inactivity…it’s right there in front of me…wait…I lost track of what I was doing…where am I again? Ah well.

A items worth mentioning: first, I took a trip with my Thai language class to the Ratchana Floating Market, about an hour and half outside of Bangkok. Although I appreciate the teachers (Ajarns Pontipa and Supattra) trying to involve the class in a cultural activity, I have to say that I was under whelmed by the floating market. It’s basically a collection of pushy Thais used to the ultimate tourists, selling cheap mass produced knick-knacks for grossly inflated prices. For example, a small bunch of bananas costs about B15 in Bangkok, or less then 50 cents. The same fruits were going for B60 at the market—and the sellers looked offended when I jokingly said “Pheng, na?” or “It’s a little expensive, isn’t it?” Anyways, I did manage to snare a collectable dinner plate with a picture of me in a long tail boat, for only B100, so the trip wasn’t a total loss I suppose.

In more exciting news, I am preparing to head out to Chang Mai on Friday for the Thai New Year’s celebration, also known as Songhkran festival. This holiday entails a country-wide water fight that lasts for three days—basically, anyone outside is fair game, be they tourists, locals, street vendors, businessmen or policemen. City buses are ambushed when stopped at lights by pail and hose-wielding Thais, who soak all of the occupants. As if this doesn’t sound fun already, the entire country is in party mode from April 12-15, meaning there will be lots of great music, food, drink, and revelry. Apparently the northerly Chang Mai, Thailand’s second largest city, is one of the best places to be for this incredible festival, so I am going to check it out with pretty much my entire class. It sounds like there will be 20 or 30 exchange students all trekking up to Chang Mai to get wet, so I’m definitely looking forwards to that trip. Also, Chang Mai is a great adventure tourism center, with downhill biking, rock climbing, white water rafting, bungee jumping and of course elephant trekking into the jungle. I imagine it’s going to be a busy couple of weeks, but I can’t wait to take this holiday—I’ll be sure to get some good pics, and will try to collect some funny stories for my next update. Until then, hope everyone is happy and healthy, send me an email if you have the time or just leave a comment below, and be well! Oh and PS HUGE shout out and congrats to my friends Anita and Joel, who have just received an addition to their family via stork-mail: Jordan Jose Elek Rivero, born April 3 at 1AM! Congrats you guys, and God Bless!!


Blogger dingobear said...

Have a great time in Chiang Mai, Rob.

11:53 PM  
Blogger T said...

your nonperiodic postings are expected. who the hell goes to another country to blog? go experience man. have a good time man.

12:20 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey rob, just stopping by to check that you're still alive. life certainly sounds interesting over there. how much longer are you staying over there?

12:31 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Rob, I was just looking through some of your photos and I have to ask...why were you diving in thailand with my little kevy paterson? and why is he smoking? if you see him again, tell him that i said no.

and isn't chiang mai where Kirsty and Gary are?

Too many people I know going to Thailand.

6:38 PM  

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