Monday, April 10, 2006

Thai cooking with Rob! So tasty, you'll wanna slap your...well...anyways

Hey everyone--so here i am with ANOTHER post in Chaing Mai! Crazy huh? Getting a little more regular, which is excellent. I just spent an entire day COOKING thai food, which was a total blast! I took this cooking course called Baan Thai (or Thai House) Cooking, which entailed a full day of shopping at the market, preparing the ingredients, cooking them up and then of course eating them! The menu for today included Phad Thai (thai style stir fried noodle, prob the most well known thai dish), Tom Yum Kung or hot and sour soup with shrimp, minced chicken spicy thai style salad, green curry paste, green curry chicken with eggplant and vegetables, and then finally water chessnuts with sweet coconut milk for desert. So good! And best of all, i got a wicked reciepe book to bring home so i can cook for all of your guys--it's going to be quite a feast. I should have some pics before too long that i will post, so stay tuned! I also had an incredible day of rock climbing yesterday at this mountain called Crazy Horse--man, i don't know if i have ever done anything so physically demanding! I have done some climbing in the past in rock gyms and such, but out at these cliffs, it's a whole different story! I am battered and a little bit bruised with some serious blisters, but i had an incredible time. And incidently, one of my guides is an MC (rapper for those who don't get it) and will be performing for the Songhkran festival, so i'm going to see him and his crew! Anyways, it has been an awesome couple of days, and tomorrow i am set for a day trek of elephant treking, bamboo rafting, hiking and visting a hill tribe village. Can't wait! I'll try to keep you guys filled in--hope all is well, gimme comments and send me news!
much love to all!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow, Rob- sounds great! What a neat idea for the cooking class- can't wait to see your recipe book. also some pictures of your trek. It's raining in Van and term papers are kicking my butt, but I'm going home for a couple of days on Saturday, and I can't wait. Take care, LvK

12:40 PM  
Blogger claver said...

you're life is perversely full of spice.

boo, i'm jealous (and coming from me thats saying something ;D).


11:20 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey rob, check your inbox.

9:39 PM  
Blogger dingobear said...

Sounds awesome, Rob. Happy Easter to you.

11:17 PM  

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