Friday, July 07, 2006

So it seems at last that it's time for the final post of my six month stay here in South East Asia. Be warned, I have no idea where this post is going, so it may ramble a little. I recently returned from four days in Krabi at the beach, which was really nice--the scenery is truly awesome, giant limestone cliffs surrounding a number of beautiful beaches. Krabi is famous for rock-climbing, so of course I spent a couple of days engaged in said activity--the result of which, my forearms are too sore to play guitar ;) In spite of sore muscles I had a good time--one highlight includes being given a fishing line attached to a waterbottle by a friend from the climbing shop, with which I was instructed to catch a squid while sea-kayaking. Much to my surprise, I did manage to catch one while paddling around, and upon my return we barbequed it with lemon, garlic and pepper--very tasty. The weather was a little grey, but somehow I still managed to get sunburned...I guess I shouldn't be surprised, I'm sure none of you are. Tanning just ain't my gift.

So now, the past two days have been spent frantically trying to organize my departure. My appartment is a total disaster, I have shopping still to do, and of course, I am leaving with more then I came with in spite of having given away most of my original clothes. In short, things are exactly what you would expect of Rob: disorganized, harried, a little out of control but generally entertaining. I'm sure everything will work out in the end. Well, pretty sure...

I've also definately been sinking into introspective mode over the past couple of weeks, trying to sort through my experiences with places and people. This entailed playing some sweet emo guitar, watching a few sad films, looking through pictures and stories and journal entries...all of which has reinforced the ultimate truth: that I have been truly blessed on this trip. When I think of how well things have turned out, and how incredible my time over here has been, it's hard to imagine one person could be so lucky. My trip has been blessed with a wealth of life-shaping experiences, as well as rich and rewarding relationships, both with friends from home and with new friends from around the world. I am greatful to every person who made an effort to stay in touch while I was away from home, and equally greatful to those people who took the time to get to know me here in Thailand. I can only promise that in spite of distance, I'll be staying in touch, and that there is always an open door and a welcome mat out for travellers passing through my neck of the woods. So yeah...I guess that concludes the Bangkok segment of this journal...I'll continue to write, so for those who are interested in what's going on with me, keep checking back. Love and peace as always, Rob signs off from the Asian City of Angels.

"The woods are lovely, dark and deep
but I have promises to keep,
and miles to go before I sleep-
and miles to go before I sleep..."

-Robert Frost

Saturday, July 01, 2006

Almost time...

Hey guys--i am back from what was supposed to be 3 or 4 days in the village in Eastern Thailand, and which turned into a 10 day experience which I will never forget. I'll try to share some of it with you in the next post, when I have some time, this is just a quick hello to let you all know what's up with me. I leave this afternoon for one more stay at the beach in Krabi on the Andaman cost, then it's back to BKK on the night of the 5th, get packed up and deal with appartment and such, and then heading home on the morning of the 8th. Man, it's all coming to a close...I'm definately tripping out a little bit. However I'm looking forward to seeing everyone when I return, and catching up with what has been going on in everyone's lives. I'll prob do another update from Krabi, so yeah, I hope everyone is still doing well, and it won't be too much longer till I'm back in Edmonton. Oh BTW I am (hopefully) recovered from Typhoid and am feeling pretty healthy most of the time, so that's good news...let's just hope there is no relapse...cause then I'd probably be infectious again...and right about the time I'd be seeing lots of you guys...hmmm....but yeah, take care!
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