Monday, September 11, 2006

Day 1

Starting Weight: 162 lbs
Finishing Weight: 160 lbs
Health benefits felt: none
Times I wanted food: Lost count after 25

So here it is, the end of the first day of the master experiences included the first *ahem* salt water flush, in which you drink 2 cups of warm salt water, and it...uh...well, it flushes you. Quickly. Need I say more? I thought not. Sort of like drinking lukewarm chicken soup broth, without the chicken flavour. Which is to say, the experience isn't terrible, but it's not pleasent.

Actually preparing the drink is a task for the night before, as it's somewhat labour intensive. Dave and I figured out to make a day's supply, it takes about 6 lemons (juiced on our new citrus juicers, now with reversable citrus reaming action! Hahaha...reversable reaming...), 10 tablespoons of organic maple syrup, and about a half teaspoon of cayenne pepper. Juicing the lemons takes a while, but then you can put the mix in the fridge and you are all set for the next day.

Thoughts so far...hmm...i don't think I'm that HUNGRY per se (well I was earlier but not now), it's just that i'm craving food--the smells of food are tantalizing, and I have to pay attention to stop from opening the fridge to get my drink, seeing some leftovers and eating without thinking. It's crazy the attitude we have towards food--I definately miss it already, but am sorta shocked by the fact that I just want to eat even though i'm not starving or anything. I'm sure the feeling will intensify tomorrow. Oh, the worst temptation, incidentally, was when I went down to the living room to drink my drink and be away from the kitchen, and my Mom comes down with a heaping plate of corn, rice, chicken marinated with prunes and spices and cooked all day, etc etc...what kind of cruel joke is that?! That just ain't right. Lemme hear you say it. That ain't right.

Anyway, my energy level is pretty good, although I experienced a brief dip at about 3PM where i almost started dozing off...but that could just be attributable to normal mid-day tiredness, so i'll have to see what happens tomorrow. Not much else to report...we shall see what the morrow brings. Still alive after Day go....*sob*...


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