Friday, July 29, 2005

Morning bizzare

Wow, an early morning post...I realize how completly out of character this is, but I like to change it up every now and then. You know...stir the pot. Shake the tree. Get a lil' bit CRAZY up in hurr (in hurr). Whatever. Anyways, here I am, rubbing the sleep out of my eyes while I peer blearily at my computer screen. Another day, another dollar, and all that, cool things that have been happening lately? Lots of promo for the big Hip Hop for Hope show at the Winspear this weekend...we did a TV spot on Wednesday morning, and Thursday we did two performances at Klondike Days. So fingers crossed for an awesome turnout, and remember, if you're reading this, you better be there!

In other news, I am developing some strange, hermit like tendancies, and an obsession with eggs. Do you know how many films I've rented in the past week? Five!! Five movies!! Well Rob, (you say to yourself), it's ok, they were probably excellent cinematic choices. Oh, if only this were true! Among my choices were such classics as XXX II: State of the Union and Lara Croft Tomb Raider II: The cradle of life. I can feel the scorn and dissapointment emenating from you readers...but they seemed like good ideas at the time! So instead of going out at night, I have been sitting in, watching films and eating...eggs. I have had eggs pretty much once a day for the past week. Fried, microwaved, I the only one who finds eggs delicious and oh so convienent? In ancient Rome the egg was an integeral part of many meals, and was thought of as a near perfect food. Ponder that, gotta go do some work...

Tuesday, July 26, 2005

aaaand we're back

Ho hum…I suppose I’ve been somewhat lax in the update department—I blame it on a combination of real work needing to be done, lack of interesting things to write about, and of course a general lethargy that sets in after too many hours in front of the computer screen. Honestly, I have the best intentions to update in the morning, but by three o’clock my creative juices have been completely dried up and replaced by a smothering ennui.

But enough excuses—I am back, and with a vengeance! First, I have to ensure that you all know about the incredible hip hop show I’m throwing this Sunday July 31st at the Winspear Center. It’s called Hip Hop for Hope, and it’s raising money for charities and showing off Edmonton’s awesome local talent. If you’re not there, I will draw one of three conclusions:

1. You are not really a friend of mine; you’re an alien masquerading in a human suit! Well don’t think for one minute that I will let you get away with it, you blood-sucking alien scum. I’ll go Anakin on your ass, and kill your children AND your jedi trainees. So there. Sith for life.
2. You are trying to make me cry. Why are you trying to make me cry? Don’t you know that if I don’t see your face in the crowd, I’ll break down on stage and weep like a little girl? Do you want that to happen? Do you?
3. You were attacked by ninjas and accordingly couldn’t make it to my show. Ok, so this one will get you off the hook, but you better have proof dammit! I want to see some kunai wounds, and a scratched forehead protector, or I ain’t buying it!

Ok but seriously you gotta be there. It’s going to be awesome, and it’s for two great charities. Anyways, what else has happened that’s new and exciting…hmmm…I haven’t really decided how personal this blog is going to get, so accordingly I’m not sure my level of comfort in sharing specific details about either good or bad personal things that happen to me. For now, let’s just say it’s been an interesting couple of weeks, but all seems to be working out for the best right now. I have faith that it will continue to do so. I promise I will do a little more updating soon, so hang in there, it will be worth the wait. Until then…maybe I’ll leave you with these two brief description of myself that friends composed. I found ‘em funny.

“This is rob. He's a bastard. But a devilishly handsome one. He rocked the trucker cap before it was in (or so he says). Of all my friends, I'd have to say Rob is the most Irish. He's quite the drinker, I'll give him that. But what Irishman isn't? In conclusion, on a friends scale from 1-10, I'd give Rob a solid A.”
“An interesting fellow. We go way back to the days of band geekdom. His Irishness enables him to consume immense amounts of the toxin Alcohol. Special skills include barefisticuffs and the dreaded serenade. Dangerous, if seen, approach at your own risk.”

Friday, July 15, 2005

The Battle of Bellvue

Wow, it’s been a while since my last update! So much has happened…I spent 12 days in St. Johns, Newfoundland for a world choral symposium called Festival 500. What a blast…so many stories to tell that I think I will do them as a series of small posts rather then trying to jam them all into one long and potentially boring narrative. So today, I will relate to you the tragic tale of the Battle of Bellvue, in which Rob decides to take on an army of fresh shellfish…

Pray then, fair reader, undertake to imagine the following scene: a young soldier, after having enjoyed a boat-tour of the bay, finds himself and his comrades together in fellowship at a small house in Bellvue, Newfoundland. A day on the sea will whet even the most severe ascetic’s appetite; thus our young soldier finds himself feeling decidedly peckish. The first order of business is to march with his company down to the local convenience store for to procure some Black Horse, a particularly volatile type of Newfoundland ale, (yes beer is sold in convenience stores in Newfoundland! How awesome!)

Upon requisitioning some of this concoction, the young soldier returns to his lodgings, where much to his dismay, he finds his comrades under attack by 65 lbs of freshly steamed mussels! Without care for life or limb, the brave solider gallantly tied his napkin ‘round his neck, and falls upon the enemie's ranks. Aided by liberal supplies of white vinegar, melted butter and fresh lemons, the soldier manages to rout the enemy hordes, and aided by his companions, lays waste to the villainous mussels, eating no less then 50 of them by himself.

Although exhausted, the soldier was allowed no more then a few minutes rest before the dreadful shellfish launched their next line of troops—hordes of snow crab skirmishers, fresh from the boiler. With scarcely time for a battle-cry and a prayer, our hero found himself surrounded by the enemy. Worse still, their tough armored exterior seemed immune to his attacks! Then, in a moment of providence, the soldier happened upon a pair of heavy-duty battle scissors. With a glad cry, the soldier took the scissors and began to demolish those snow crabs, leg by leg. With no less then eight of the devils down his gullet, the tide of the battle seemed turned in favor of our hero.

Alas though dear reader, for the enemy had not yet done it’s worst. Just when the soldier thought himself in the clear, they came grimly parading towards him. Heavy duty battle lobsters, their armored claws clanking ominously as they closed ranks. Selecting one of their leaders, a hefty 4 lb. monster, the soldier fought desperately to overcome his foe. For hours the fight contuned, back and forth, man against beast, good against evil. Succored only by Black Horse and the hope of a better tomorrow, the soldier desperately pitted himself against his foe. And when the final hour dawned, behold, the lobster lay vanquished and eaten! It’s shell pierced through and through, the meat dragged from it’s claws and tail, it’s very legs pulled off and thrown to the ground. But wherefore our hero? The noble soldier lies in his chair, overcome only seconds after defeating the monsterous lobster! His fork to wave no more, his napkin blowing sadly in the wind, his stomach bulging with his defeated enemeies. Weep, fair reader, weep for the poor soldier who through his sacrifice, saved us all from an army of shellfish. Through his tragic demise are we free from fear of lobster, mussel and crab. Weep, and remember the soldier, that his sacrifice might not be in vain, that his dedication shall not be forgotten, and that his vigilance over the dreadful shellfish shall be a lesson to us all.

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