Friday, July 29, 2005

Morning bizzare

Wow, an early morning post...I realize how completly out of character this is, but I like to change it up every now and then. You know...stir the pot. Shake the tree. Get a lil' bit CRAZY up in hurr (in hurr). Whatever. Anyways, here I am, rubbing the sleep out of my eyes while I peer blearily at my computer screen. Another day, another dollar, and all that, cool things that have been happening lately? Lots of promo for the big Hip Hop for Hope show at the Winspear this weekend...we did a TV spot on Wednesday morning, and Thursday we did two performances at Klondike Days. So fingers crossed for an awesome turnout, and remember, if you're reading this, you better be there!

In other news, I am developing some strange, hermit like tendancies, and an obsession with eggs. Do you know how many films I've rented in the past week? Five!! Five movies!! Well Rob, (you say to yourself), it's ok, they were probably excellent cinematic choices. Oh, if only this were true! Among my choices were such classics as XXX II: State of the Union and Lara Croft Tomb Raider II: The cradle of life. I can feel the scorn and dissapointment emenating from you readers...but they seemed like good ideas at the time! So instead of going out at night, I have been sitting in, watching films and eating...eggs. I have had eggs pretty much once a day for the past week. Fried, microwaved, I the only one who finds eggs delicious and oh so convienent? In ancient Rome the egg was an integeral part of many meals, and was thought of as a near perfect food. Ponder that, gotta go do some work...


Blogger JoJo the Whale said...

There is nothing wrong with renting 5 movies or more in a week, even if they're bad. By the way, I would love to go to Hip Hop for Hope. Can you put the details up?

6:44 PM  

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