Saturday, January 07, 2006

One night in Bangkok...

Hey guys--well, I guess this is the first official post from Bangkok. I wrote an entry on the plane that I will retro post as soon as I get internet to the laptop and such--right now I am coming to you from the lobby of my guesthouse, Prasuri Guesthouse. I haven't gotten a place yet, have to wait until Monday, but I have high hopes that soon I will have a formal base set up. Not that I'm not appreciating the guesthouse...with the matress like a sheet of rock...the shower that's pretty much in the toilet...the toilet that is flushed by filling up a bowl of water and splashing it into the get the picture ;) Anyways, this is really just to see who is checking up on the page, I will do a real overhaul later on. I've met some of the other students, they seem nice, and soon I should get some pics up of the place and the people I've met so far. Bangkok is crazy, but I am starting to adjust (I hope). I miss everybody back home, hope that you will either post some comments or send some email my way when you get a chance. Until then, take care, I'm thinking of cold Edmonton while I walk around in plus 30 weather ;) Later!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

robbie, good to see that you got there safely man, keep the posts coming. we're thinking of you over here - Ryan

2:59 PM  
Blogger Dave Chung said...

Bangkok still sounds better than my house.


come back, rob.

2:01 AM  

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