Wednesday, August 31, 2005

Mmeurrghh....and other news.

It's...oh, about 830 in the morning, and I am mildly hung over from tuesday night's revelery. Given the way that I'm feeling (slightly, but not deeply, sub-par), I figured that I had a couple of choices for my morning. 1) Do some this even really a choice? You people make me laugh... 2) Stare blankly at my computer screen and make intermittent groaning sounds....mmeurrghh.....yeurghhhhh.....bleurrghh....(I actual tried this one for a while, but it didn't really make me feel better, and I got some really strange looks from the guy two cubicles down). 3) I could put some effort into updating the ol' blog, fill some people in on what I've been up to, and hopefully take my mind off my slightly disconteded stomach by getting the creative juices flowing...*shudder*...anybody else think that's a really weird phrase? Anyways, obviously, I opted for the third...well...option. So here I am.

It's been a busy week or so, lots of interesting things going on. First off, thanks to everyone who came to the show at Reds on Friday. Hazeldean played aweomse, we had a ton of fun, and it was wicked to get a real sound system with some compotent techs. The part of the evening that WASN'T so fun, was when Matt and I had to drive back to Calgary at 1030PM, in order to be on the flight hill at 8AM Saturday morning. We played through both CD's of "RENT: The musical" to pass the time, as well as stopping at a greasy spoon to get some bacon and eggs. Funny story, they didn't have any plastic cutlery, so the woman at the counter surreptitiously wrapped some real knives and forks in a couple of napkins, passed them to me, and said "Go! Go!". I went, and the late night breakfast was all the sweeter for the pilfered silverware.

Anyways, Saturday morning found us sleepily wandering around the North part of Calgary, looking for our flight hill. After a few wrong turns and a close encounter with a bus trap (a bizzare geographical formation, essentially a rectangular pit, maybe 4ft. wide by 6 long by 2 deep, with steep sides...apprently used for trapping and taming the wild prarie bus? Who knows.) we made it to the hill. Now, I'm sure you all have visions of Matt and I balancing the glider effortlessly on our shoulders, gracefully launching off a steep cliff and flying away into the sunrise. Ok, well maybe just visions of ME doing that. Anyways. Such was not the case. A glider only weighs between 65-80 pounds, but it is a little, shall we say, unweildy. The glider has a wingspan of more then 35 feet, meaning it wouldn't fit into your living room. The wing is attached to the apex of a triangular control bar made of aircraft-grade aluminum. To launch, you wedge you shoulders between the triangular frame, hold the glider steady, say a quick prayer, and shuffle as quickly as possible down a steep hill while controlling the pitch and roll of the glider. It's that easy. ;)

Anyways, while Matt and I didn't get a lot of airtime, we did learn the basics, and we did have a couple of short-lived flights that I will hopefully post pics and or video footage of at some point. It was a ton of fun, and I can't wait to do the intermediate course, and get some real flying in. The rest of the Calgary trip was fun, including all you can eat sushi, watching "Redeye" (entertaining but not really worth a review, I mean, it was a Wes Craven film. Enough said.) and eating Krispy Kremes. Mmm those donuts'll kill ya. But you'll die happily.

Final event, last night (tuesday night) saw Hazeldean playing a show at the Sidetrack Cafe. Again, thanks to all who came out and supported...I'd like to think that by the end of "Conscription Crisis", we were rocking out pretty hard. And hey, I paid those who came in free beers on the band's tab. So the lesson to be learned is: it's worth it to support Rob, cause chances are you'll get some free ish. The beer consumption, however, is what brought me here...might be time for a few more groans....yeuurrghhhh.....


Blogger T said...

krispy kremes? nice work. i'll see you in the afterlife.

1:34 PM  

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