Wednesday, August 24, 2005

As old age approaches...

Milestone alert: Rob has now reached the ripe old middle age of twenty-one. Everything from here on in will be downhill. Including hair-coverage, sexual drive and bladder control. Great.

But seriously folks...

I am now twenty-one, and have mixed feelings about being here. Let me just pull out the ol' mental checklist here....ok, what have we got here...

1. Are you famous yet? Hmmm...well, i guess it all depends on your definition of fame...I'd like to think that I've acchieved a certain infamy amongst my friends and family...

So that's a no, right? Yeah, I guess that's a no. Although there could be a family in Tajikistan that has been following my blog posts...or maybe my meteoric rise to the top-renters at the local Movie never know...

2. Are you wealthy yet? Hahaha...*nervous laughter*...well, you see, wealth is a funny thing. You could say that I'm incredibly wealthy in terms of the friends and family that surround good collections of obscure fantasy books...

In a strictly monetary sense, are you wealthy? Are you rich? Do you have stacks of paper?

*silence ensues*

Right. Ok, moving on, then...

3. Are you recognized as a noteworthy student, or a genius of some sort, or an incredibly talented up-and-coming musician?

Wait, isn't this kinda like the fame question? Are you trying to rub it in? Rub some salt into the wound? Maybe a little lemon juice? Right into my papercut? Is that what you're trying to do? Is it? Let me be clear....I'm......Not.......FAMOUS!!!!! There, are you happy, you sadistic monster?! your inner vioce, I'd like to take this opportunity to suggest some over the counter anti-psychotics that I'm told are particularily effective....

*sigh* there you have it. Twenty-one already, and i'm not exactly at the top of my game. Mozart starting composing when he was only five. Niels H. Abel was admitted to the prestigious Cathedral School of Mathematics in Oslo when he was only thirteen. Bill Gates was....well...i'm sure he was thinking of doing something crazy with computers when he was a teenager. Which leaves me....where?

All fun aside though, despite being a little nervous about the years starting to fly by, I think I'm at a pretty good place in life. I have an incredibly tight family that I actually enjoy spending time with, even if it's playing guitars and having a sing along with embarassed dinner guests. I have a solid group of friends that have been with me through thick and thin. I have an abundance of love in my life. I have done some world travelling, and will soon have an opportunity to do more. I've been blessed with faith, love, compassion, and more interesting and fortuitous opportunities then any one person should be alotted. So you know what?'s on the way.....Wealth...I am DAMN wealthy, and already have more then one person could ask for. Genius? Well, ok, the jury's out on that one, but I have a great vocabulary, which I'm told is a good start. So for those of you who were expecting more of a rant about encroaching old age, sorry to dissapoint, I wanted to let you know that I consider myself incredibly lucky, and am ready to do battle with whatever gets tossed my way. Wait till the next twenty one ;) This is Rob Boothe, happily twenty-one, saying goodnight and much love.

hey....i'm still around...don't believe this guy, he's actually rampantly insecure about a lack of accomplishments in his's all a front...seriously...anyone? Anybody there?

man am I bored. I wonder if there are any good movies playing...


Blogger T said...

ahaha nice post. the quarter life crisis on its way eh?

12:23 PM  
Blogger claver said...

Who are you trying to convince, Rob?


...Or yourself?



3:31 PM  

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