Monday, January 23, 2006

Street Vendor+Raw Chicken = Sick Rob

Hey Guys! So i'm sitting in a little internet cafe down by my place with Dean and Tom! They just rolled into town last night and are going to stay with me for a little while, as they plan a trip to Nepal. I've got all sorts of good info about diving etc so hopefully i will get certified soon and do some diving! In other news, I got quite sick a couple days ago, I think some street vendors thought it would be funny to give the 'farang' some raw chicken, and accordingly i had crazy fever dreams and a very unhappy digestive system for the past couple of days. Fortunately, one of my friends had some antibiotic that kills everything in your system, so i took some of that and and feeling a little better now. I sincerely hope that my system will settle down and let me get on with life in Bangkok sometime soon!
No pictures yet, but i'm hoping to have interent sometime in the next couple of days, so that will be exciting--i'll post pictures of the incredble resort i stayed at, and hopefully some of the waterfall at Pala-ou. It involved a hike up through the jungle to thie 12 tired waterfall, you walk up along the rocks and such, and when you get up high there are a couple of great places to jump off the waterfall into the pool below, or slide down the rocks. Very fun.
Hmm, what else...i got my hair cut, it's sorta faux-hawkish right now, which is all good, a lot cooler then the big mop i had before. I also got a shave at a barbers--possibly the most excruciating experience i've had yet. I was expecting a hot towel to open up the pores, a nice lather, and a gentle relaxing shave...what i got was cold lather straight on the skin, and a razor being dragged against the grain all over my fac, more pulling the hairs out then slicing them off. Then at the end, to cover up the blood and the redness? Baby powder!! All better, you can't even see the wounds now. Needless to say, i will be looking for a new barber before I repeat that experience.
Anyways, i'm running out of news to tell you...things are good except for my digestive system. I miss all you guys, and will have some real live personal emails getting sent out as soon as i get the net. As well, a little skyping perhaps? So hope everyone is doing well, tty soon!


Blogger Bill said...

Good to hear from you man. Or at least the "hearing" equivalent. I just found this thing and decided to sign up. All for now. Peace.

6:56 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey bud- sorry to hear you've been sick. Once you have the bugs out of your system, fresh ginger in hot water is good to settle the stomach. Looking forward to being able to skype-- being able to catch up with you here in the meantime is good, because I am developing a visceral hatred of my email. Every time I check it there are more requests/excuses/questions from my students, or instructions from my prof. So yeah, TAing is fun so far:) Leading the discussion sections is actually OK, but marking bites. The diving sounds like it would be fun-- are there places to go that are a day-trip from where you live, or do you have to go farther afield? Are you in school yet? How's that going? Take care of yourself. LvK

10:16 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

PS- you've seen the election results I imagine: Cons 124, Lib 104, BQ 51 and NDP 29. Most interesting: Martin steps down, BQ loses seats to Cons in Quebec, and no one holds the balance of power. Plus, appalling offensive former radio host elected as an independent in Quebec City.

10:21 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

the most important thing so far of coruse is how is the shopping over there. i am preparing you a list of kevin must haves, things that you should be able to find someewhere on that large continet your on that would bring your brother great hapiness and everlasting love. the first is visvim keifer sneakers. find these and you will have enternal hapiness.

in anycase, i'm glad the trip is going well so far, waterfalls and resorts sound amazing. by all means get some pcitures up and we'll talk to you soon

9:22 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

ah robbie, I warned you about the street vendors! anyway, I hope you get better soon. Glad I found your blog, I was wondering how the trip was going.

just to let you know, the band's been going well - john's doing a great job filling in, and we're playing at Red's on Feb. 12 to fundraise for african projects.


2:57 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yo Man!!! Got your textes but I don't think I can reply. Let me call Fido to see if I can make it so I can.. and how much the monieses are!!!

Hope all is good and well!!


4:08 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Robbie B! That's awesome that Deano and Tom were able to meet up with you!

I'm glad you're updating again! Gotta keep up with your crazy happenings and what not! :)

Take care!

11:51 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

ROB! ouch that really does suck about getting raw chicken! here's to salmonella poisoning! good to hear that you're on the road to recovery :D Diving sounds AWESOME and hope to see some beautiful photos soon!
all the best,
Natalie C

11:27 PM  

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