Friday, February 24, 2006


Hey all--finally got some photos up, check em out and use the link at the side as well, i will update frequently i hope!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

OK, so it said danger keep out!! and you just had to go. This is exactly why your mom is threatening to visit, and perhaps stay with you for the next three months!!
The photos were fabulous. Think before you jump, wear your hat, go to bed early, and don't eat street food. Luvya Mom

9:43 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Great pictures Rob- and the description of your recent adventures sounds amazing. We'd like to seem some pictures of where you are living now! Van is gray and it's a two-paper weekend, so not much excitement here. Am on a serious bad movie streak- Broken Flowers was pretty disappointing despite Bill Murrary and the Brothers Grimm may have been the Worst. Movie. Ever. so that was last night:) Take care LvK

11:20 AM  
Blogger claver said...

Good to see you're still alive and having a good time.

...been so busy I don't know what to say.

...hopefully I'll be able to post something soon.


12:25 PM  
Blogger dingobear said...

Rob, nice photos. Tigers - crazy! The beach and the tropical splendor look great especially given the recent blast of cold winter we've received in Western Canada. I'm sure you feel badly for us all. Have fun, Felix

1:20 AM  

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