Monday, January 23, 2006

Street Vendor+Raw Chicken = Sick Rob

Hey Guys! So i'm sitting in a little internet cafe down by my place with Dean and Tom! They just rolled into town last night and are going to stay with me for a little while, as they plan a trip to Nepal. I've got all sorts of good info about diving etc so hopefully i will get certified soon and do some diving! In other news, I got quite sick a couple days ago, I think some street vendors thought it would be funny to give the 'farang' some raw chicken, and accordingly i had crazy fever dreams and a very unhappy digestive system for the past couple of days. Fortunately, one of my friends had some antibiotic that kills everything in your system, so i took some of that and and feeling a little better now. I sincerely hope that my system will settle down and let me get on with life in Bangkok sometime soon!
No pictures yet, but i'm hoping to have interent sometime in the next couple of days, so that will be exciting--i'll post pictures of the incredble resort i stayed at, and hopefully some of the waterfall at Pala-ou. It involved a hike up through the jungle to thie 12 tired waterfall, you walk up along the rocks and such, and when you get up high there are a couple of great places to jump off the waterfall into the pool below, or slide down the rocks. Very fun.
Hmm, what else...i got my hair cut, it's sorta faux-hawkish right now, which is all good, a lot cooler then the big mop i had before. I also got a shave at a barbers--possibly the most excruciating experience i've had yet. I was expecting a hot towel to open up the pores, a nice lather, and a gentle relaxing shave...what i got was cold lather straight on the skin, and a razor being dragged against the grain all over my fac, more pulling the hairs out then slicing them off. Then at the end, to cover up the blood and the redness? Baby powder!! All better, you can't even see the wounds now. Needless to say, i will be looking for a new barber before I repeat that experience.
Anyways, i'm running out of news to tell you...things are good except for my digestive system. I miss all you guys, and will have some real live personal emails getting sent out as soon as i get the net. As well, a little skyping perhaps? So hope everyone is doing well, tty soon!

Tuesday, January 17, 2006

Ahh...this must be the life...

Hey Guys!!! Here i am, back in Bangkok at last, which I guess means I'm home--a very weird sensation. I am here to report that I am officially moved into my own place! It's on the 16th floor of a place called Rattanakosin Condos, i have a one bedroom that's quite nice, two ACs, seperate bedroom and bath, balcony, etc etc...oh and I think I mentioned already that on my ground floor there is an incredible resort type spa/swimming pool/gym? Right. That's ok too. Lying on the sandy "beach" they've made and then having a dip in the 75 meter naturally contoured "lake" that goes around the bldg. Plus there is a great resteraunt poolside. So it's ok. ;) Also, i got back from the weekend in the "Hamptons" of Thailand at the Dusit resort in Hua Please go to the link. So you can be jealous. I will send pics soon (i get internet at my place in like a week so expect more stuff then) but for now know that I'm chilling, doing well, sweating profusely, and trying not to have too much fun. Ciao for now! And thanks for the posts, keep em comin'! Next post I will tell you about the jungle hike up to the 12 tiered waterfall at Paala-ou where I did a little swimming and jumping into waterfall pools...stay tuned...

Wednesday, January 11, 2006

A brief and unfunny update

Hi guys!! This will be short and low on the humor, but I thought i'd post a little update. What can i say except that Thailand is amazing!! I'm having a good time here, especially now that I'm out of that guesthouse--I stayed in a hotel for a couple of nights and am now crashing at a friend's appartment until mine is ready (next monday). Speaking of the new digs, wait till I post some pics--this place is like a resort! I'm on about the 30th floor, decent sized place with a seperate living area, small kitchen (though no stove) and seperate bedroom and bath. It's part of two twin towers on the west bank of the Chao Praya river. On the seventh floor, there is a giant outdoor garden that joins the two towers, with a park and a running trail etc. And on the main floor, a huge spa type gym called the Oasis, with a lake-like pool--must be 100 meters long, but naturally curved and stuff, sand beach with recliners etc, resteraunt, spa and gym!! Needless to say i'm living the high life. Anyways, more on that when i actually move in. The weather has been chilly here, about 30 degrees or so bwahahaha take that Edmonton! So lying around the pool in the sand has been really tough, but I've managed somehow ;) No major sickess yet, knock on wood, and this weekend we are being taken to a 5 star resort--known as the Hamptons of thailand--with school, all expenses paid. (part of student orientation). So things are lookin' up ;) Classes are good so far, was assigned some thai buddies, so they will probably show me the more local side of bangkok. Also, one of them is Catholic (unheard of, only like .005% of the population so very weird coincidence) so I'm going to try to find a church. But yeah, things are going well, I'll be in touch soon! Stay classy! And don't have the player, hate the game. And Post COMMENTS!

Saturday, January 07, 2006

One night in Bangkok...

Hey guys--well, I guess this is the first official post from Bangkok. I wrote an entry on the plane that I will retro post as soon as I get internet to the laptop and such--right now I am coming to you from the lobby of my guesthouse, Prasuri Guesthouse. I haven't gotten a place yet, have to wait until Monday, but I have high hopes that soon I will have a formal base set up. Not that I'm not appreciating the guesthouse...with the matress like a sheet of rock...the shower that's pretty much in the toilet...the toilet that is flushed by filling up a bowl of water and splashing it into the get the picture ;) Anyways, this is really just to see who is checking up on the page, I will do a real overhaul later on. I've met some of the other students, they seem nice, and soon I should get some pics up of the place and the people I've met so far. Bangkok is crazy, but I am starting to adjust (I hope). I miss everybody back home, hope that you will either post some comments or send some email my way when you get a chance. Until then, take care, I'm thinking of cold Edmonton while I walk around in plus 30 weather ;) Later!
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